Site Tags (click to list other sites with the same tag):
Women, Lesbians, Couples

Good quality video and audio but no HD.
Same network of Flirt4Free. Has a lower price point and a simplified user interface which focuses on the live chat.
Supports 2 way audio and video.

Webcam Broadcast Network (click to list other sites of this network):
Information for Models

Check the links below if you want more information or if you want to register as a model.

Model Payments: 

Payment percentage depends on the model performance.

Payment methods (click to list other sites supporting that method):
Bank wire transfer, Check - FedEx, Check - US Mail, Payoneer
Information for Users

Good video and audio quality. Medium prices. Nice user interface.
To get more information or sign up in the site check the links below.

Payment Methods (click to list other sites supporting the same method):
Credit card
Credit card needed for registration?: 